LogM Well Editor
Integrated log analysis for comprehensive interpretation
LogM Well Editor software is the industry standard for seismic synthetic generation. It provides geoscientists with all the tools necessary to accurately tie well control to seismic data. Users can quickly link geological and seismic data and then view the predicted seismic response to the geological concept away from the well. This capability can dramatically improve interpretation accuracy and minimize uncertainty when determining the next well location.

LogM™ software is integrated directly with GVERSE Geophysics module software to enhance the accuracy and confidence of your geophysical interpretation. The seismic trace data and the synthetic data can be compared in real time with no cumbersome import/export to merge the data and make the final connection. The LogM™ software is sold as a stand-alone application and includes modules for fluid substitution, cross-section editing, interactive stratigraphic modeling, and advanced synthetics.
- Perform one-step reservoir pay summations for common reservoir attributes such as gross, net, net/gross, porosity feet, and hydrocarbon-filled porosity with corrections for true, vertical, and stratigraphic thickness.
- Generate virtually any statistic from curve-derived attributes over a zone or depth interval of interest with Curve Data Statistics
- Easily confirm results using data-distribution histograms, statistics, and cross plots
- Map directly in GeoGraphix or save results to ZoneManager attributes
- Create proposed completion stages and perforation cluster intervals, then save as proposed completion records in the WellBase Completion table. These records are available for data posting symbology on the well log templates.

Petrophysical Analysis
- Easily perform quick and interactive log calculations for standard interpretations and reconnaissance with user-defined equations
- Utilize pre-written interpretations for 3 and 4-mineral determinations and Archie, Dual-Water, Indonesian, and Modified Simandoux saturation models
- Link complex, external models written in C, C++, or Visual Basic
- Build and save personal equations with user-defined equations comprised of over 250 pre-defined standard log analysis equations
- Calculate Poisson's Ratio and Young's Modulus using mechanical properties/UDE Group
- Utilize standard Halliburton, Schlumberger, and Baker Atlas charts for environmental corrections or digitize additional charts

Curve Data Management
- Import standard LAS, LBS, ASCII, DLIS, and LIS/TIF data files
- Automatically merge and splice curves using the curve import tool or optionally merge or splice at user defined depths
- Benefit from project-based mnemonic inventory, mnemonic aliases, and unit conversions
- Manually or bulk normalize curves using the graphical curve normalization utility which includes average, single, and two-point normalization methods
- Utilize single or multi-well curve copy, renaming, deletion, rescaling, min/max clipping and filter smoothing tools
- View standard core curve analysis attributes plus 200 new user-defined core curves
- Combine multiple curve mnemonics for similar curve types in hierarchical order based on a pre-determined preference

Log Analysis and Display
- Control presentation templates to display curve and depth-registered images with virtually unlimited tracks, curves, colors, and pattern fills
- Display different track types including linear, logarithmic, mineral percent, depth registered images, text, core description, lithology pattern fills, tadpoles, and descriptions
- Easily cut, copy, and paste curves between tracks using the on-screen presentation editing feature
- Automatically post DST, core, perforation, mechanicals, IP, casing, tubing, and zone information
- Interactively pick and display formation and fault markers and user-defined attribute intervals
- On-screen QC editing of curves including performing simple or complex depth shifting, adjusting SP baseline shifting, and utilizing curve patch tools

Cross Plot Analysis and Display
- Display data relationships over total well depths, user-specified depth range, or one or more zone(s)
- Create three-axis display with linear or logarithmic scale, user-controlled symbols, size and color, Z-axis color spectrum, and X and Y axis histograms

Multi-Well Cross Plots
- Benefit from multi-level discrimination with user-drawn polygon capabilities
- Differentiate between wells by assigning colors to individual wells for better analysis
- Fit curves using linear regression, reduced to major axis, and polynomial regression capabilities
- Interactively determine the Formation Water Resistivity (Rw), Bound Water Resistivity (Rwb) and Cementation Exponent (m) using the Pickett plot

Customizable Reports
- Create user-defined well reports such as net pay, average porosity, water saturation, total porosity feet, or hydrocarbon-filled porosity
- Define curve choices, sample rates, depth interval, or zone selection using the provided tabular list
- Export to tab or comma delimited text files, or copy results to the Microsoft® Windows® clipboard

GVERSE Petrophysics uses a simple and intuitive scripting language. With little effort, users create sophisticated petrophysical models. These models can then be applied to individual wells for detailed analysis or to thousands of wells to generate reservoir-to-regional scale formation characterizations. Utilizing log template displays and petrophysical interpretations, users then multi-dimensionally view the petrophysical models from single-well log templates to multi-well cross sections to 3D fence diagrams.
Scalable Functionality
GVERSE Petrophysics includes over 250 predefined standard log analysis equations as well as several predefined water saturation, lithology, and coal bed methane (CBM) models. The equations are grouped into easy-to-understand families of calculations that can be copied and edited into a script to solve most formation-analysis problems. For the more sophisticated user, GVERSE Petrophysics can be linked to external models created in Visual Basic, C, or C++ code. External models offer unlimited analytical complexity as well as integration with presentation, attribute extraction, and mapping utilities.
Seamless Petrophysical Analysis, Attribute Extraction, and Mapping
Users can extract attributes generated in the petrophysical models within formation zones of interest and/or filtered well-sets for direct map layer creation, statistical analysis, or export. GVERSE Petrophysics easily links to ZoneManager, GeoGraphix attribute analysis application, to support well-by-well/zone-by-zone parameters for petrophysical models or read/write parameters for Pickett Plot analysis.
- 2.4 GHz 64-bit processor
- Graphics card Nvidia GeForce 430 or higher with minimum 1GB Dedicated VRAM
- DirectX 11 compatibility of graphics card is required
- 1,366 x 768 screen resolution
- Quad 3.2 GHz 64-bit
- 32 GB RAM or greater
- High-end Nvidia GeForce GTX Graphics card X70 - X95 (where X represents GeForce Series 400 onwards) with minimum 2GB dedicated GDDR5 VRAM
- Solid state hard disk
- 1920 x 1080 screen resolution
- Microsoft® .NET 4.5
- Nvidia Driver version 347.62 or higher
- GeoGraphix® Discovery 2017.x is required (for integrated mode only)
Operating Systems
- Windows® 7 Professional x64
- Windows® 7 Enterprise x64
- Windows® 7 Ultimate x64
- Windows® 10 Enterprise x64
- Windows® 10 Professional x64
- GVERSE Attributes license version 2019.2
- GeoGraphix license version 2019.2. It is required for integrated mode only.