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GVERSE GeoGraphix 2024.1 TRITON
GVERSE GeoGraphix 2024.1 release includes over eighty new features to streamline geoscience workflows, helping our customers better characterize the subsurface and produce hydrocarbons.
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GVERSE GeoGraphix Product Overview
GVERSE GeoGraphix is the latest evolution in G&G software that delivers advanced geological and geophysical interpretation at an exceptional price. The latest release of GVERSE GeoGraphix includes revamped geophysics, fast subsurface modeling and a laser-like focus on the core workflows geoscientists use every day.
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GeoAtlas is a GIS-based, mapping environment for geologic base and subsurface mapping. Built on Esri ArcObjects technology, GeoAtlas is used to create presentation-quality maps from a variety of spatial data sources including shapefiles, web map services (WMS), ArcGIS map services and SDE layer s.
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GVERSE Geo+ is a sophisticated integrated solution for subsurface geological/reservoir modeling. Detailed analysis of the reservoir is always crucial prior to field and well planning. With GVERSE Geo+, making an informed decision is much easier as this application supports numerous types of data sources for a comprehensive understanding of the petroleum system.
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GVERSE Geophysics
Powerful, 2D and 3D seismic interpretation system for rapid prospect generation. 
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GVERSE Petrophysics
GVERSE® Petrophysics is a 64-bit petrophysical application designed to assist geoscientists and petrophysicists in analyzing and interpreting well log data and characterizing the reservoir using advanced log interpretation workflows in a multi-well multi-user environment.
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GVERSE FieldPlanner
GVERSE FieldPlanner offers powerful field planning capabilities that result in time and cost reductions, allowing field planners to create, save, analyze, and manage multiple field plan scenarios to determine optimal hydrocarbon production.
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GVERSE Connect
Seamlessly integrate well, seismic and maps to increase efficiency in an integrated interpretation environment with GVERSE Connect.
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GVERSE Data includes well and production data, land grid, and culture data in native GeoGraphix file formats.
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Release 2023.2 Service Pack
Highlights include seamless Spotfire 14 integration, advanced layer management, precise control on IsoMap layer extents and spacing, visualization of log curves and well schematics directly in WellBase, and new Python APIs to update well data in the GeoGraphix database.
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GVERSE GeoGraphix and Spotfire Integration
GVERSE GeoGraphix and TIBCO Spotfire integration allows seamless transfer of data between GeoGraphix and Spotfire. In the integrated workflow, GVERSE GeoGraphix serves as the data source for TIBCO Spotfire to perform data analysis, discovery, decision-making, and insights on the data stored in the GeoGraphix database.
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Value Added Services
Manage your data growth to ensure project stability, maximize performance, and avoid loss of data and information.
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