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Depth Registration

DepthRegistration provides raster image display capabilities for XSection, smartSECTION and GVERSE Petrophysics. Raster images of logs, core, diagrams or any image applicable to a well bore can be imported or opened in DepthRegistration. TIF formats are most common and many other graphic formats are also supported. Images can be registered in depth with DepthRegistration tools. Alternatively, many data vendors such as TGS, and MJ Systems can provide depth registration files to go with image files.  Such files from TGS, or MJ systems can be batch imported into DepthRegistration.

Depth Registering the Log Section
DepthRegistration application allows you to manually depth register a tiff image and assign it to a well in the database.  The basic procedure involves loading a raster image and well ID into the application, then picking depth lines on the image and assigning depth values.

Defining the Log Section Header and scale
Raster log headers and curve scales are associated with depth registered log sections. Raster curve scales can be displayed on a .prt created in GVERSE Petrophysics for display in GVERSE Petrophysics, smartSECTION, and XSection. Raster log headers are not part of the .prt and are displayed only on smartSECTION cross sections.

Straightened Images
Straightened log section records are saved to the database and are exported with the GGX Depth Registration (DRA) file for use in other applications.  
Straightened log section records can be imported and saved to the database using either the GGX (DRA files) or Petra (LIC files) imports.

Image File Home and Scan Tool
The Image Home and Scan Tool dialog box can be used to locate raster log images, or other image files (core photos, etc) stored outside the project or to relocate missing images that have been moved from their original directory/path locations.
  • The depth registration information can be saved to the database and displayed on cross sections in XSection, smartSECTION, and GVERSE Geomodeling, or on the Image Track of presentation template files (.prt files) that are created in the GVERSE Petrophysics application.
  • Use the depth registered raster images in GVERSE Petrophysics .prt to digitize the curves.
Hardware Minimum
  • 2.4GHz 64-bit Intel class or better
  • 8GB RAM
  • 1,024 x 768 graphics resolution
  • CD-ROM drive
  • 19-inch monitor 
  • DirectX 11 capable hardware

  • Quad 2.4 GHz 64-bit Intel class or better
  • 16 GB RAM or greater
  • NVIDIA GeForce or Quadro - 2GB video RAM
  • DVD-RW drive
  • Dual 21+-inch monitors

  • Microsoft® .NET 4.5
  • GeoGraphix
  • Microsoft DirectX 11
  • The License Management Tool (LMT) must be installed to configure GeoGraphix product licenses
  • Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010)
  • Adobe Reader for selected help files (optional)

Operating Systems
  • Windows® 7 Professional x64
  • Windows® 7 Enterprise x64
  • Windows® 7 Ultimate x64
  • Windows® 10 Professional x64
  • Windows® 10 Enterprise x64

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GVERSE Petrophysics