GVERSE GeoGraphix
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GVERSE Field Planner

GVERSE Field Planner offers powerful, quick & easy field planning capabilities that result in time and cost reductions, allowing field planners to create, save, analyze and manage multiple field plan scenarios to determine optimal hydro carbon production.

GVERSE Field Planner intelligently populates wells over an entire field based on defined hazards, lease areas, and constraints. It uses an advanced optimization algorithm to lay out hundreds of wells in minutes. It works with you by taking into account surface hazards, existing wells in the area, and lease boundaries to maximize lateral length in the zone. GVERSE Field Planner is flexible and allows you to make granular changes to well geometry, orientation, and location throughout the development of the field. GVERSE Field Planner is completely integrated within GeoGraphix.

  • Avoid no-go zones - Existing wells, rivers, buildings, and environmentally sensitive areas
  • Surface Hazards - Terrain slope (DEM)
  • Subsurface Hazards - Avoid areas with existing wells
  • Lease Areas - Add tracts
  • Easily edit setbacks
  • Flexibility to add surface and subsurface hazard polygons


The GVERSE® FieldPlanner software offers you the following benefits:

  • Overcome Geometry constraints; Build field plans that avoid restricted areas, hilly areas or existing wells
  • After defining surface and subsurface hazards, automatically layout pad and wells over the entire map area
  • Quickly create, save, and analyze multiple field plan scenarios
  • Analyze field plan scenarios to determine optimal hydrocarbon production
  • Lower economic costs

The software that must be installed on the system running the software are as follows: 

  • GeoGraphix Discovery 2022.1
  • LMKR License Management Tool 3.4 for GVERSE Field Planner license.
  • The LMKR License Management Tool (LMT) must be installed to configure the Field Planner license.  
  • MATLAB Runtime R2018 (9.4)
  • Adobe Reader for selected help files (optional). 

Operating System

To run the software, you need one of the following operating systems installed on your system:

  • Windows® 7 Professional x64
  • Windows® 7 Enterprise x64
  • Windows® 7 Ultimate x64
  • Windows® 10 Professional x64
  • Windows® 10 Enterprise x64

Note: It is recommend to use the latest Microsoft® service packs and security patches. 

Hardware Requirements
  • System: 8 GB (16+ GB recommended)
  • Graphics Card: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)


The following licenses are required to run the software: 

  • GeoGraphix Discovery license version 2022.1
  • GVERSE Field Planner license version 2022.1